I don't have many dreams

but when I do, I'll come here

I fell asleep after work, after doing all of our weekly chores. I meant to edit some videos, but I kept dozing off. I went to bed for a quick nap, curled up at the very top corner between four pillows, and the sound of the rain hitting the air conditioner. I've been dreaming so much more than I ever have remembered in my adult life. I dreamt that I was a girl, not myself, but we knew each other, but I was her right then and there. I snuck around this house that seemed to be built for really short, small beings. elves... faeries? I passed by dogs on staircases, who seemed too big for the house, but not because they were comically big, the house was just really that small. I passed by a big dog the color of a crab in the ocean, all red, purple, green, and blue. it was strange because I do not like dogs, and they make me really anxious, but I passed by all these dogs but none of them hurt me, scared me, or even made a sound. they just stared at me as I snuck by. I remember hiding in a closet, and in the dream, I knew why I was hiding and why I didn't want them to find me, but I just remember that it was some woman that scared me, and she ended up finding me, and I was naked, and she was ridiculing me. it felt bad, but I was somehow aware that I wasn't in my own body, it wasn't really me who she was ridiculing, so it was okay. but then also I felt like I really cared about this person, and I was upset that she was in so much danger. I left pretty soon after, and I think some more stuff happened after. I woke up two and half hours later. 01/01/21

I bit my tongue. I dreamt last night. my dreams in single night morph into one another constanly. last night I dreamt that it was 75 degrees in December, and I freaked out because it's never supposed to be that warm right now. but I looked outside, and realized I was on the beach, and it was sunny, and I wasn't at home at all. I laid in the sand, talking to this strange woman who could've been my mother or one of my friends back in New York. I always have that kind of morphing figure in my dreams, where one of their attributes make me think they're this one person, and then they'll have another attribute that makes me think that they're another person entirely. I probably did other stuff, but it's too late to remember any of it now. 12/29/20